The undersigned (Owner) _______________________________________ agrees to have a Lockbox installed
on the property located at (Address) __________________________________________________________.
The Lockbox SHALL NOT be a door hanger type. The Lockbox SHALL be the type that installs securely on a
wall or fence located in a inconspicuous place on the property. The Lockbox SHALL only contain the keys to
the Premises. The Lockbox code SHALL only be given to trusted Vendors in order to gain access to the
Premises for necessary repairs/maintenance.
The Lockbox installation is for the convenience of all involved. However, Owners are fully within their right
to refuse the installation of a Lockbox. In which case, if neither Tenant nor Owner can be present to allow
Vendor access to Premises, then [INSERT YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE] will meet Vendor at the
Property. and subsequently, charge a $100 trip fee per occurrence. In order to reduce owner costs, and
alleviate the often times frustration of third party scheduling, a onsite Lockbox is highly recommended.
Owner Signature ________________________________________________ Date _____________________
Owner Signature ________________________________________________ Date _____________________
The undersigned (Vendor) ___________________________________ agrees to use the Lockbox in secure,
professional manner. The undersigned Vendor SHALL respect the privacy of the Tenant(s) and their Premises.
Vender SHALL only use the key within the Lockbox to gain access to the Premises for the prior agreed upon
repair/maintenance job. If a repair/maintenance job requires multiple trips to and from the Premises, Vender
SHALL communicate such need with Management prior to comings and goings in and out of Premises.
Vender SHALL securely lock the Premises upon completion of each repair/maintenance job. Vender SHALL
return the key to the Lockbox and securely lock the Lockbox upon completion of each repair/maintenance job.
Vendor SHALL NOT keep any written (or other) records of the Lockbox code. Vender SHALL be given the
code upon request by management immediately preceding each repair/maintenance job.
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